made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Friday, February 26, 2010

Symone's New Toy

My daughter Symone made it again on her class honor roll last quarter. Hubby and I were so happy to receive another merit card from Symone's school. We thought of giving my little girl a little something as a reward for a job well done. Hubby and I asked her what reward does she want. She told us that she wants a new mp3 player loaded with her favorite songs. So last week hubby and I decided to give my child what she wants. Hubby bought a not so expensive pink mp3 player for our princess. Symone was so happy with her new toy and she was overwhelmed with the color too because it's her favorite. I told hubby to load up Symone's player with her favorite songs with the help of the MP3SearchEngine . Hubby loaded up my daughter's player and also his player. He spent hours searching all the songs that he likes and downloaded hundreds of it. I was so grateful that I've learned about this site because I have found all the hard to find songs that I want.

School year will be finish in a few more weeks and I am hoping and even praying too, that our little girl, my Symone will be on her class honor roll again. She will be graduating in pre-school this April and I am so excited to see my "not so" little girl entering big school next school year.


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